Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shoesday. And buyer's remorse.

So all my jetsetting and keeping the streets warm has finally worn me down, and especially worn down my shoes.

My favorite little pair of black heels have finally bit the dust... and I'm so sad to see them go. We've been through alot together. And I loved them. The perfect black peep toe pumps that could go to with day or night outfits, felt awesome, and were actually very durable. I'm rough on my shoes. Those were up to the challenge.

I finally accepted the truth that I needed to replace my beloved black heels last night, so I braved the cold and got these pretty little things:

Jessica Simpson - Acadia

They're kind of similar to what I had before, but... now I don't know if I like them anymore. The platform is too high for the office really. I mean, let's face it, I'm already 5'8" so now I'm a GIANT. And I've always had a hard time finding pants that are long enough for me, and these bad boys won't be helping any... But then again, I always do this. I have the worst buyer's remorse. Should I have gotten them? Is there something better? My own worst enemy.

Now that I'm thinking more clearly - and without the dragon shoe lady breathing down my neck - I should have picked something a little more sensible, like these:

Jessica Simpson - Josette

Practically the same thing, right? Just a little more reasonable platform. Yeah, I should definitely go back and get these ones instead.

Or these:
Jessica Simpson - Jessica

Closed toe. Sturdy heel. Definitely good for work. But not so much for the night scene...

Yeah, I should definitely get some shoes for going out. Look, sparkles: 

 Joan & David - Flipp 

Oooh, these are pretty:

Badgley Mishka - Humbee II

Wait, wait... was I looking for black heels? Or do I want black boots? Mine got ruined in New York City... stupid salt and ice/slush. I should definitely get another pair of black boots. But for work... I need something for work. But I do love sparkles...

Hmmm. I need help. Serious help.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whining for Wine.

There are these days – I have them sometimes - they’re not BAD days really… just tedious, trying, tiring days. These are the kind of days when I sit in my office and around 4:08 p.m., I start thinking about how nice sipping a little glass of wine would be.

I know I shouldn’t be thinking this; but I do, after all, have an office with a window. And as I watch the sun dip and the sky start to darken… those pesky wine thoughts creep into my head. They plague my productivity in the last hour of my work day, when I should be scurrying around to wrap up all my tasks and responsibilities… instead, I’m sitting here, staring at the almost-sunset, thinking about which wine I will sip tonight.
Which wine best complements Life cereal? Which bouquet will really ready my palate for my Healthy Choice lobster ravioli frozen dinner? No no no… stick to the resolutions. So chicken and zucchini stir-fry… what wine do I want with THAT? Actually, I’m not that picky. Nearly any wine will do. But I do have some favorites…

1.       Messina Hof – Beau: Tribute to Beauty. This a red Beaujolais-style (you can’t call any wine not made in the Beaujolais province of France a “Beaujolais” wine. Pretentious much?) blend of sweet red wines. Messina Hof’s blend combines Gamay Noir and Muscat Canelli, which makes it a semi-sweet among sweet reds, so if you don’t really like red wine that is too sweet or too dry, this might be the perfect compromise. My FAVORITE characteristic? It’s a red wine served cold. Yum. Retails for about $11, so… I drink this one a lot. It’s definitely my #1 choice.

2.       Santa Margherita – Pinot Grigio. So, I’ve been a fan of pinot grigio since I first tried it. Little did I know, it is reviled by wine snobs as a boring, uninteresting, plain wine. Oopsie. But I like what I like. And I like pinot grigio. It’s made from the pinot gris grape, which is a MUTATED pinot noir grape… so again, it would seem like this little wine doesn’t have a lot to be proud of until you taste it. It’s dry, but it has a light, crispy, some say “apple” taste. It goes with anything, doesn’t stain my teeth and is pretty delicious. Hate me, snobs, I’m sticking up for my pinot grigio. (Also, did you know that white wines and red wines are all made from the same grape? Red wines have the skins left in their juice while they ferment, and white wines have the skins removed.) Santa Margherita invented the process for pinot grigios and is my affordable favorite at around $20 a bottle.

3.       Tunnel of Elms – Merlot. This wine holds more nostalgic value for me than anything. When I moved to Houston, my stepdad drove me and all my things to my new apartment. He and I threw it all into my loft in an afternoon, and decided to cab it downtown for a nice dinner and a glass of wine to celebrate my new job and big move. One glass turned into a bottle of Tunnel of Elms Merlot. We reminisced, he gave me advice for making it on my own and 3 hours later… I was ready to conquer Houston. I was wrong, but I do still love that wine. This particular merlot is blended with some Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah, and it has a full fruity flavor of berries and cherries. I was shocked to find this wine retails for $10… the restaurant turned a pretty large profit on our bottle.
To be honest, though, I really know nothing about wine. And neither do a lot of people who pretend they do. I will say, though, that I once had the pleasure of drinking wine with a sommelier who has tasted some of the best wines in the world… and his advice to me was to never spend more than $30 on a bottle of wine. Beyond that and you’re paying for a label. It was very encouraging, since… I like wine, but I like having gasoline in my vehicle and lights on in my house too.
But I don’t start having those thoughts until about 5:05 p.m.

Cheers! Sante! Salud!

Monday, January 3, 2011

8 Great Goals in 2011

Happy New Year!

I’m a little late, but I’ve been doing a lot of living in the last few days. Expect many more posts to catch up in the next week.

What I really want to do right now, though, is get my New Year’s goals on the books. I’m a big believer in setting some ambitious resolutions for myself every year, and I write them down and tell people. Because that’s how I stay accountable. If it sounds like I have little willpower… that might be true. Fine.

Here is what I’m working on in the next 12 months:

1. Cook more/better. Living alone has turned me into a cereal/PBJ/frozen dinner person. I want to cook better and fresher dinners for myself more often this year. Plus, my parents say that’s the way to a man’s heart. Whatever, but I guess it’s worth a shot.

2. Get involved in an athletic activity. Last year I was really into going to the gym, but I’ve gotten bored with it. This year, I’m interested in trying yoga or kickboxing or lifting weights with a trainer or something. I just need a little change in my workouts. Something more interactive. And fun!

3. Be a better friend and listener. I have the extreme fortune of having people in my life who genuinely ask me how I’m doing and get the opportunity to talk about what’s going on with me. It is amazing. I’m going to return the favor to my friends and family this year. More phone calls out of the blue to friends to find out how they’re doing. Less talking, more listening.

4. Strengthen my finances and investments. I’ve learned a lot this year about investing and personal finance. This year I’d like to put some of that to use in my own life. Securing some good things for me down the road. Working hard to earn a raise this year. Paying off my credit card balance, paying off my car and paying off my student loan are all within reach in the next 12 months! FREEDOM!

5. Learn to sew and play piano. I got a sewing machine from my mom last year. It’s been in the box ever since. I got a keyboard as well… it’s in the corner of my room and only gets played when I need to bust out some Heart and Soul. Being creative is really rewarding to me, and maybe I can finally join the family band. Singing is never going to work out for me.

6. Challenge a fear. For some reason, I’ve been thinking about skydiving lately. I’m scared to do it, but I really want to face down a fear this year. I think I’m craving that feeling of accomplishing and winning something… So this year, I want to jump out of a plane or go deep sea diving. I’m scared of what’s in the deep ocean. I get a rush just thinking about doing either of those things!

7. Explore. I like traveling, seeing new places and people. And I’d like to continue to prioritize exploring more of other places. It keeps me appreciative of where I live and the people I love, and at the same time respectful of how diverse and interesting other people and places are. I also want to explore some new music. I need a new band/musician who I can’t get enough of. Any suggestions?

8. Focus. I sometimes feel like I’m being dragged through my days instead of plowing through them. I’d like to be more proactive in my life and less reactive. I need to take more time on a daily basis to stop and think. Call it meditation, prayer, thinking, centering, whatever. I just want to pause for a moment and focus on a consistent basis.

That should keep me pretty busy. Good luck with YOUR resolutions. I hope you have a wonderful new year!
