Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Monday... I mean Tuesday!

I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend! I sure did. Minus the air conditioner on the fritz. I felt like I was melting, m-e-l-t-i-n-g.....

But Tiffany was a gem and let me and Bandit stay over. It was fun; like visiting/living together/old times.

Speaking of Bandit, I miss the guy. After almost 4 days of hanging out, I'm going through withdrawals today at work.

Edited via Instagram

Gah, I just love his little dog face. 

Have a great (short) week!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cook once, eat for days...

Last week, I made the BEST quinoa I've ever had. And I've had alot of quinoa... but this was really good. And I made enough on Sunday night that I had quinoa with my tilapia, with my turkey salad, and my fajitas (from Tiffany) all week!

Here is the recipe: Mushroom and Walnut Quinoa. And as a side note, I used almonds - because that's what I had. And yes, I tried it with the fried egg and THAT was delicious too. Basically, I think you could eat this mushroom quinoa with anything, every day, always. It's love.

Oh - and if you've never had quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah"), try it for heck's sake! Quinoa is kind of like a grain; technically it's a psuedocereal. My favorite part of quinoa is that when you cook it, the germ separates from the seed and it looks like a little curly-que on the seed! Dorky, I know. You can treat quinoa like rice... it's prepared much the same way, and pairs with lots of things well just like rice is. I've never tried to sweeten quinoa like a cereal, but it might be worth a shot too. 

Happy eating, friends.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Daily Photo: Working Girl

Before starting this post, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write about how I feel right now. And the truth is, I don't know what to say. I feel... jumbled. The last week has been an emotional rollercoaster in so many ways - and I plan on talking more about what's been going on when I figure out how to. But for right now, the only thing that really helps is focusing on work. I've got some important meetings lined up and some goals to reach before the end of June, so that's where I'm spending my energy right now.

Taken with Instagram

For those who have been around and offered condolences and/or a sympathetic ear - thank you. Your love and support has really made a difference.
