Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Obsessing over: My new house. Moving into it. Decorating it. Throwing parties in it. Cleaning it. Loving it.  

Working on:
 As of RIGHT THIS SECOND, I'm working on charging my iPhone so that I can use it on my long run. I bailed last week. And the week before that. Tonight, I'm making 8 miles my bi-atch.
Thinking about: What it means to be a family. The holidays always get me thinking about what really matters. I'm old enough that the thought of presents under the tree doesn't really jazz me up (ok, ok... it does a little!); it's anticipating spending lots of time with people I really care about, warm fires, yummy meals, sharing laughs and memories... My family includes people I'm related to by blood and others I'm related to by choice... and Christmas is a blast with all of them.

Anticipating: I'm anticipating the closing of my house (Dec. 14th can't get here soon enough!), my sister's birthday (the 18th), the return of a certain someone to the mainland, and CHRISTMAS of course! I'm also a big fan of New Year's - and my birthday right after that. It's a busy couple of months around here.

Listening to: Copeland. I like to mellow out to pretty music at the end of the day. But like I said, as soon as my iPhone charges, I'll be jamming out to my "Running" playlist... which includes such artists as Kelly Clarkson, Ace of Base, Weezy Baby, Michael Jackson, Limp Bizkit, Britney Spears, Junior Boys, Queen... it's an eclectic mix.

Drinking: water. Lots of water. I had too many coffees this morning during my 5 a.m. drive to Dallas. I'm wigging out.

Wishing: that I had more answers. I'm just doing the best I can in the meantime.

How about you? What are you up to today?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oops... I did it again.

(Oh, Britney)

I've been one crazy lady lately... neglecting my leetle blog in the meantime. Sorry bout that.

But I'm back.

Saturday, Tiff and I did the David Gardner's Diamond Dash to try and win a $10,000 diamond ring. It was a scavenger hunt around campus. Despite a valiant effort (and rusty map skills), we didn't win, but we had an awesome time. And got quite the workout riding bikes all over the place for 2 hours.

Why do events always order one million XL shirts and 4 small shirts?! Of course, they were out by the time we got there... so another oversized shirt that will never see the light of day :-/

I've been keeping up with the running... training for my first half marathon has been no joke. And when I say I've been "keeping up", I actually fell behind this weekend. I skipped my 8 mile run on Sunday. But it was raining. And it was Sunday. God didn't want me to run.

I also have been in the trenches of the house-buying process. From looking at properties, to the bidding war, inspections, etc. etc... I think we're finally in the home stretch. Won't close for a few more weeks to give the current residents a chance to find new digs, but I love it. And I think about it every day.

Here's what the outside looks like:

(Sorry for the tiny pic, but it's from the realtor's site)

The rest of my live is kind of the usual stuff... loving the pup, working hard for the (12th) man, hanging with my sister (who is also the newest President of the forensic club at Sam Houston! Congrats), and daydreaming all the daydreams I like to daydream.

Note: I was making an A&M joke with the 12th Man thing. For the 1,000th time, I DO NOT work for the 12th Man Foundation; I work for the A&M Foundation. Academics. Brains, not brawn. And no, I really can't get you tickets to the game. Unless I want to sit with you and kiss you when we make a touchdown. Then I might be able to.

The next couple of weeks for me involve buying as many gadgets and gizmos for my new house on Black Friday, tackling my Christmas list and packing/unpacking my life before the new year.

Friends and family - be looking for my Christmas wish list on here soon! :) :) :) 
If you love me, that is.
