Friday, December 17, 2010

A Christmas Gift that REALLY Gives

I don’t know about you, but I always struggle with wanting to give gifts to my loved ones that capture how much I care about them. I want the gifts I give to be meaningful, special, significant - and not something they’ll want to return or put at the back of their closet, or worse REGIFT. And I want to do all that without focusing on the actual gift as the reason for celebrating Christmas. For a couple of years now, I’ve felt this sadness about the way so many of us – including me - lose sight of the reason for Christmas… until today.

As I was perusing my usual blogs and friends’ updates, I came across a coworker who had purchased a goat for a hungry family in a developing country. What? A goat? For strangers? I had to know more. And now, I’m in LOVE with this concept.


Heifer International ( is a global nonprofit organization that has taken a proactive stance to ending world hunger and poverty. Instead of filling the cups of hungry people, their mission is to provide families and communities with livestock and crop education and resources so that they can feed themselves. And the most amazing part of the project? Those who receive help from Heifer have to agree to give an offspring of their animal or seeds from their produce to someone else in need – they have to pass it on.

Heifer has deeply impacted communities across the globe: Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia and North America. The stories of families who have taken some honeybees or a flock of chickens and not only improved their own diet and nutrition, but have given bees or chicks to their neighbors and sold honey or eggs to supplement their income are amazing. I read a particularly moving story about a family that struggled to make 10 cents a day to feed themselves. One flock of chickens changed everything, and now they make $2 a day… which still sounds tragic, but that’s enough to eat healthy, nutritious meals and provide for a much more comfortable life in Uganda!


Not to be cynical, but I DID get concerned about the wellbeing of these animals; what if the goat dies because it isn’t properly cared for? What if they kill it to eat it? Heifer thought about that too. They have a veterinary staff that educates people and monitors the ongoing health of the livestock. Heifer is founded on 12 cornerstones, one of which is responsible and humane animal treatment. Other cornerstones are passing on the gift, sustainability and self-reliance, sharing and caring, nutrition and income, and family focus.

{I also love that they support gender equality and require that women and wives be involved in the decisions and management of the production.}


After spending a little time reading through the site and looking at the gift catalog, it just seemed to click in my head and heart. The whole reason I love giving gifts – and don’t get me wrong, I LOVE giving gifts – is because it feels so good to show people that I care about them and want to do something special for them. THIS is something I can do in my family’s honor that is REALLY significant. My usual little gifts and trinkets are fun for a while (or never at all, like the time I got my stepdad NASCAR tickets that he forgot he had and didn’t go. boohoo), but giving a cow for milk or beans to start a coffee crop would be a gift that truly matters. That’s what my family deserves – gifts that change the world. That’s how much I love them.

I encourage you to rebel against the consumer Christmas this year. Consider doing something really magical by adding a community in Guatemala (or Uganda, or the Gulf Coast, or Kosovo) to your Christmas list. Make a gift in honor of someone you love to share their legacy with strangers.

My Grandpa isn’t here anymore, but he was a wonderful man, and I’d like to share his love and compassion with others. So Merry Christmas to a family across the globe who will be receiving a flock of chicks from my family this year in honor of Dennis McCann.

Grandpa with some of his grandkids (and Grandma)... Lovely man.

No matter what you do, do it with love and good tidings.



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Wish #2

I don't like cold weather, so I don't get really excited about shopping for winter clothes. This time of year, I'm obsessed with nesting and making my HOME cozy. Here are some of my favorite little house treasures... all from Anthropologie.

This owl cookie jar is TOO adorable. I try not to keep too many cookies around the house, but I would start a special stash just for this little guy.

Pretty little paint palate egg caddy. I eat eggs every morning. Eggs, oatmeal, and coffee. That's my EVERY DAY breakfast, and I love it. I would love my eggs even more if I got to uncover this lovely little paint palette.

Ever ran around your house like a crazy person looking for your keys because you were ALREADY running late because your hair wasn't cooperating, and now you're REALLY late because you can't find your *bleeping* keys?!?! This wise friend would help you (and me) with that. Hung by the door... keeping a watchful eye on the keys.

I'm a sucker for a dreamy bed. I have a dreamy bed. But even dreamy beds need an update every now and then, and mine is due for a change. Not only is this a gorgeous bed, but it's named my favorite girl name: Laela. It's providential. I need this.

**Important note: dreaming of Christmas wishes is fun, but the best gifts aren't THINGS. The people in my life are my ultimates wishes... but if they come bearing some of these gifts, even better :) (just kiddingggg).


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Wish #1

What is pretty, gold, personalized, and oh-so-classic?

A signet ring!

I love these rings so much. Bold yet feminine. Unique. Timeless. And an heirloom piece - which is really special to me. My family doesn't really have any "heirlooms" and this would be a great piece of jewelry to pass down one day.

I've been a good girl this year. I deserve this ring. Totally gorgeous. I'm drooling.

Santa, don't forget about me :)


Monday, November 29, 2010

Bzz, Bzz.... Read Little Bee

You may or may not be surprised (probably not) to learn that I am a huge dork. A really huge book-devouring dork. I used to keep a flashlight under my pillow to read in the dark after my parents made me turn my lights out. I used to save my allowance and blow it ALL at the book fair. I was once grounded from reading for 2 days and I CRIED and blamed my mom for ruining my life.

Yeah. Really dorky.

My dorkiness for books has stayed with me as an adult too. I still love to read. I keep a book in my car in case I have to wait in line too long at the ATM. While I have gotten braver about going to eat at restaurants alone, I always bring a book with me… which makes me even more lame than people who just go to eat alone. And yes, I have been miserable at work before because I stayed up way too late reading a book that I just couldn’t put down. I really need to grow up.

Sometimes I go to bookstores and just… wander around. I pick up something that looks interesting and read the first few pages. If I get into it, I’ll commit…

The last book I took a chance on was Little Bee by Chris Cleave. The liner notes really got me; the author says he doesn’t want to tell you what the book is about for fear of giving too much away but that it is a story of 2 women’s lives that intersect in an unexpected series of events. Got me. Hook, line, and sinker.

I’m torn between telling you more about the book and honoring the author’s wishes to keep it a secret until it unfolds to you in the story, but there are a few qualities about this book that I think are relevant in case you’re considering reading it. And I think you SHOULD consider reading it, because it's really quite good.

First, it’s a quick read. Really quick. What kept me engaged was the fact that the narrative is told from the viewpoints of the two women in alternating chapters. That alone kept the story moving and the prose active. Reading about the same event from two perspectives is always interesting, but when one viewpoint is a 16-year old Nigerian girl and one is a 30-something British magazine editor with a husband and son, the juxtaposition (SAT word!) is very entertaining. Strangely, the author (a male) does a fantastic job of creating the voice of these two extremely different women. I’m fascinated by how he would be able to construct the characters with as much honesty and genuineness… but he does it. And what I really love about the book is that it makes a political statement about the absolutely real issues of asylum and refugee policies without being a political novel. I finished the book wondering what I could do to learn more about the real-world implications of the story… and that’s what you really want in a story, right? To be affected in some kind of real way?

Which reminds me of another book… The Wind in the Willows. It was not about refugees (though maybe fugitives) or women, but about little animals and their experiences trying to corral their friend Mr. Toad and going through human emotions… I didn’t get any political call-to-action from that book, but it did affect me in a very meaningful way. I was devastated when I finished that book. For no reason other than I was sad that the story was over and I would never have more to read or know any more about the Mole and Mr. Toad and Ratty and Mr. Badger.

So like I said, I’m a huge dork.



Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I love about you...

There are some people who you love because you were born into a family that includes them, and you have no natural choice but to be connected by blood and family ties. However, I am blessed to have some family members who I love for reasons that aren’t hereditary; I love them just for being themselves.

Tammy, my Dad, Chad and I with Baby Conor in June 2008

My stepmom Tammy came into my life when I was in junior high, which has to be a tough time to get to know a teenaged girl. Hormones. Attitude. Defensiveness. What a nightmare. But Tammy isn’t like any stepmother described in fairy tales or “stepmonster” anecdotes. She dispelled all those stepmother fears I had and became an incredibly important person in my life from the very beginning of our relationship. Which I thought our relationship wouldn’t go well after I was busted playing with her makeup while Nair-ing my legs in her bathroom when she and my dad were just dating… but she’s a forgiving person. And even better, she later taught me how to properly Nair.

Tammy and I picking up Dad from the airport...

The first thing I fell in love with about Tammy is her selflessness. She is honestly the least selfish human I’ve ever met. She loves openly and quickly, shares everything she has, cares deeply for her loved ones and works tirelessly to make sure everyone around her is happy, healthy and having fun. She is selfless to a fault… one time she got a gift card for Christmas and bought OTHER PEOPLE stuff with it. She’s just that type of person. Hence, I’ve resorted to getting her monogrammed items so she is forced to use them for herself…

My family under the Century Tree during my A&M graduation.

Another thing I love about Tammy is her friendship. She is a true and loyal friend. When Tammy is your friend, you know that you can trust her with your most unguarded thoughts, secrets and stories and she will laugh with you, cry with you or help you come up with a plan for revenge. Whichever response is most appropriate. And she treats all her friends that way. I’ve never heard her talk bad about anyone, certainly never a friend… that’s just not how she works.

But what I love most about Tammy is the void she filled in our family. I love how much Tammy loves my dad; I used to worry about him being lonely or not having someone to take care of him. Now I know that he is going to be okay. I love how Tammy loved Tiffany and I before she ever met us and became our immediate friend and confidante. And I love how Tammy has grown our family by bringing Chad and Conor into the world. Tammy completes our family and was meant to be a part of all of our lives. I love that she was brave enough to take on the challenge of marrying a man with 2 girls, a career that demands his service and sacrifice and a “clean-freakiness” that is a little unbearable at times. God bless her bravery!

I love these two crazy kids.

I just can’t imagine my life without her. And that is what a true family is… the circle of people who you need to survive. She is as much my family as any person who shares my DNA, and these are just a few of the many reasons I love her so much. Her New Years’ Eve pina coladas are also up there on the list.

Best friends on the beach!



Thursday, October 21, 2010

I dig your style: Zooey Deschanel

I didn't know much about Zooey Deschanel until she came into my life via a little flick called "500 Days of Summer." It is a really great movie with an interesting message and storytelling style (did anyone else love the calendar that represented how long they had known each other and the scenery matched the mood of their relationship?!).

About halfway through the movie, however, I began to be distracted by how CUTE Zooey is. Her style is classic, vintage, feminine and detailed. She's timeless instead of trendy. She's quirky and beautiful - a tough combo to pull off.

When you throw in her natural beauty - rocking haircut, dark hair/blue eyes killer mix - you have a bonafide style icon.

There is a recurring theme of light, airy fabrics in her wardrobe. Love love love it.

I won't spoil the movie for any of you who haven't seen it, but here's a cute scene from the film. Netflix it today. You won't be disappointed.

Hello red. I'm so into this outfit. And glad it's getting to be cool enough for tights!

And not only is she a pretty face with pretty clothes. She sings pretty too. I love the energy of this video. And the dancing. I appreciate the attainable choreography.

All in all, this is a chic that I totally dig. I want to be friends. If only just to closet swap. But I'm pretty sure we'd be real friends too. She seems cool.

Start playing with fabrics and details. A simple shirt with an interesting focal point or a classic outfit with a pretty hair accessory is oh-so-Zooey. And oh-so-lovely.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Love one another

This video has had me in tears at least 4 times this week:


I am broken-hearted over the thought that there are young people in the world that don’t think life is worth living anymore because they feel alone, misunderstood, guilty or ashamed for who they are. Why? Because someone around them said, either directly or indirectly, that who they are is wrong or bad or unwanted. They’ve barely begun to live, and already they want to die. This is an incredibly tragic wake up call. It has to be a call to start loving each other more and hating each other less.

I’ve been thinking about what we are capable of doing to each other with our angry speech and hateful thoughts. Our words matter. They wound. They have the power to make people hate themselves and cease to see love or hope in their worlds. Despite the old rhyme about sticks and stones, sadly it turns out words can harm worse than broken bones; they can kill.

I don’t have children, but I have little brothers. I worry about them being bullied or being bullies… and the truth is the only thing I can do is love them enough that they never question their place in my heart or our family or in this world. And also love them enough to show them that loving other people is a more fulfilling way to live.

It’s not that hard just to love each other. It really isn’t. And I’m not even just talking about gay or straight, rich or poor, cool crowd or dorks…. I’m just talking about caring about people. I don’t have to agree with everyone, but I can care about their well-being, (or spirit, soul or whatever YOU believe is the essence of a person) enough to not destroy them with my words. In fact, I don’t feel any better or prouder or get any joy from saying something hurtful to or about someone… If you DO get joy or satisfaction from hurting others… seek help. You have issues of your own.

Compassion without reservation. I’m making this my motto. Please do too. I think it can only be good for all of us.



P.S. Thank you Joel Burns for speaking up. You're making a difference.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Eat at: Eatzi's (Dallas)

Every time I come to Dallas – which is often for work – I hope that I somehow find the time to make it over to Eatzi’s. I never do… but tonight, I was on my own for dinner and quite close to an Eatzi’s location on Lover’s Lane. My dreams came true!

Eatzi's on Lover's Lane

Eatzi’s isn’t your typical restaurant. In fact, it’s not even really a restaurant. It’s a European-style market that just happens to have some seating. I, however, never sit down. I’m too busy walking around and drooling over the delicious displays, samples and chef-prepared foods.

Hello gorgeous.

Imagine a place where there is the most colorful produce laid out before your eyes, a wall full of freshly-baked, still-dusty-with-flour artisan bread, a case of divine too-pretty-to-eat cakes and pastries, fresh cuts of meat hanging behind the butcher, wine wine wine everywhere and as many varieties of cheese as your heart desires. Not to mention the make-to-order salad, sandwich, pasta and grill stations. Top it all off with classical Italian tunes piping in your ears and this place is a gourmet heaven.

For me, Eatzi’s is a total sensory experience, but most of all, a feast for my eyes. Which is probably a good thing, since it’s a little pricey. You gotta PAY for gourmet heaven!

Tonight I spent about 45 minutes in there, just perusing. And tasting. Oh the tasting! I tried red pepper hummus. Artichoke and CRAB spread. Homestyle chicken salad. Havarti dill cheese. Jalepeno cheese sourdough. The most delicious snickerdoodle cookie I’ve ever had. So much tasting that I wasn’t really that hungry by the time I was ready to make my purchase. But I had to get what I ultimately came here for: the Bombay chicken curry pasta. Think chicken, tortellini pasta, hint of curry, raisins… Yum.

Then I topped it off with a Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple Juice. Sparkling yum.

Drink Your Apple a Day.

On second thought, I’m glad there isn’t an Eatzi’s near my home. I’d be broke. And constantly full to the max. What this little Eatzi’s excursion HAS done is inspire me to start making my meals more beautiful, more gourmet, more of an experience. I’m going to give the microwave dinners a rest and try to be more thoughtful about dinner. Maybe I’ll start playing Italian classical music while I cook… instead of watching Jersey Shore. Ugh, embarrassing.

Anyway, no matter where or what you dine on this evening, I hope it’s lovely.



Friday, October 15, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

I'm kind of a blog creeper.

I read tons of blogs and until recently, have never participated. I'm done with the sidelines. I'm getting in the game.

One of the blogs I read is Lauren's spot: The Little Things We Do. She does a weekly series called "Fill in the Blank Friday." Today is my inaugural contribution.


1. Blogging is: a little overwhelming. I've avoided it because I know I can't keep up with it all the time. But I've decided that's ok. I'll do it when I can/need to/want to.

2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is: jeggings. Jeans that tight? Are you serious?! It's not that I'm afraid to wear them in public, I'm afraid of the removal process...

3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is: being the first in my family to get a college degree. The support of my family was tremendous, and now... my parents are going back to school and getting degrees of their own! It's awesome!

4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose: a beach vacation. I went to Denver this summer as my first time to try a mountain vacay, and I LOVED IT. But I'm a beach girl always and forever.

5. A talent I wish I had is: being able to sing. My mom and sister both have beautiful voices, and I love to hear them sing. I sound terrible. I still sing, but I sound terrible. Or play piano. I'd like to do that too.

6. A talent I do have is: figuring out puzzles and mazes and problems. I can fix almost anything.... I just can't TELL you how to fix it. I have to see it, see the tools and components, and I can figure it out. I've taken apart my Mac to replace the keyboard and successfully reassembled it. I felt like a winner that day!

7. This week is: the first week my dog has lived with me in my new place. He's been fantastic. Definitely my home dog :)

Ok. So if you blog and want to play along, link up! If you don't blog... post your responses in the comments. It's fun! Trust me!


What I love about you...

This post is something I'm going to start doing regularly... thinking about what I love about the people in my life. And I'm starting off with my most favorite person in the world: my sister, Tiffany Lynn.

What I love about Tiffany most is her sense of humor. She is seriously the funniest person I know. Harmony High School confirmed this by voting her Best Sense of Humor... twice. They voted her mascot zero times... but she only tried out once and she was a freshman - no one knew how truly hilarious she was yet. I believe if she would've tried out again, she would've had it in the bag.

Me and Tiffany this summer.

I also love her lightness of heart. You may not know what that means, but what I'm trying to describe is her childlike spirit. She's not immature or childish, but she sees the world with a very innocent and pure-of-heart perspective. She cries at sentimental commercials, adopts stray animals and is kind to children. I tend to be more serious, and I can't count the number of times Tiffany has lightened the mood and my attitude with a little joke or quip or anecdote. She loves good times and good jokes - and I love having her around me.

Me and Tiffany in Summer 2005. I had just gotten back from Mexico. A summer without my sister :(

And what I truly love the very most about Tiffany is that I don't remember what life was like before her. I was almost 2 when she was born... and I am so lucky to have grown up with a best friend for my entire life. We moved around ALOT as kids too, so it was such a blessing to have a built-in buddy through the times when we've been "the new kids". I'm not sugar-coating reality - we HAVE HAD FIGHTS. We went through the "we hate each other" phase. But we've always been the type that fight fiercely, but love each other even more fiercely. I've been mad at her, but if a friend tried to commiserate by adding some negative comment about my sister, the tables turned and I wasn't having anyone talk about my sister. I've got her back. She's got my back. That's just the way it is. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that about her.

Me and Tiffany after an impromptu mudding Sunday. We didn't MEAN to go mudding... but that kind of stuff just happens when you hang out with Tiffany.

I'm really excited to think about the qualities of the people I love. It's easy to take people for granted when you are lucky enough to have them in your life... it's always when someone is gone that we usually start spending time considering the wonderful things they brought to our lives. And by then it's too late. I don't want to wait that long. Love is the essence of what it means to be humans; it sets us apart and above other animals. It's an important quality to nurture.

So that's what I love most about a person I love so much.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello October!

Today is gorgeous. Like really, really gorgeous. It makes me want to be outside... and I've been thinking how great it would to go (gasp) camping!

My mom and stepdad used to drag me and my sister camping all the time when we were younger. I wasn't a fan. I was even LESS a fan after one trip where someone didn't close the tent all the way and mosquitos bit me all over my face. I'm mildly allergic to mosquitos. It wasn't pretty.

When I was in high school, my parents got a camper, and that MUCH improved my camping experience. Plus, I was old enough to stay at home while they went, so that was pretty much the end of my camping days.

Until now.

I have discovered a camping style that I could really get into: glamping! (Glamorous camping).

Jen Campbell blogged about it over at Green Wedding Shoes. She and her new hubby honeymooned at Resort Paws Up... and I must say, it looks glorious.


While I won't be glamping this weekend, I do have some busy busy plans... I hope you can spend some time outdoors this weekend :)



Friday, September 24, 2010

Moving on Up...

Francis Drive Cottage

I LOVE my little cottage that I've lived in for the past year with my lovely sister. (See sister below)

Tiffany, on the right. Me, on the left.

I love the wood floors, I love the arched entryways, I love the antique glass doorknobs, I love the telephone nook in the hallway. I just love it!

But I'm leaving it. Striking out on my own.

I will miss living with Tiffany. And no we didn't get into a fight or dislike living together... it's just that for a while she thought she was moving out of town and in the meantime I signed a pre-lease... and then she ended up staying. But I'm excited to have a little space to call my very own.

And I do mean little.

But I'm looking forward to making it a home for having friends over for dinners and wines and movies and closet swaps. You know... just living. Pictures of the new casa coming soon.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Music makes me happy

I don't dread Mondays as much as most people... I actually like getting back to work and into my routine. But.. they're not the MOST fun either.

This little video got me through today with a little extra pep:

I hope you had a wonderful Monday and a week. I'm headed to Dallas tomorrow for work, so I'm heading to bed to get some rest. 5 a.m. always comes early.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hello. My Name Is....

I'm starting a blog, but I'm not a blogger. I just want to get that out in the open upfront. I'm just a normal person. Who will try to keep a blog. For no other reason than it sounded like a good idea. So as long as you realize that, we should be great friends!

And I do have a somewhat selfish reason for keeping a blog. Several actually. The first few who come to mind are Chad and Conor... my brothers. I adore them!



I'm blessed to have a large family and cursed to have them scattered all over the place. I'm always interested in finding new ways to keep in touch and connected... so maybe this will be one more avenue we can share our lives. By the way, Conor isn't reading or blogging yet... but soon. He's smart - really smart.

So anyway, I'm starting it. It's done. And I'll be back.
