Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This morning is dreary and cold and cloudy and yucky. NOT my idea of a Spring day.

On a day when I'm wearing a sweater and wishing I'd also brought a coat, I WISH I were wearing this:


Florals are feminine. And flirty. And fun. 

In the season of budding flowers and romance, who doesn't love that?

What are you dying to wear as soon as the weather "springs" up?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Growing my green thumb

Not to be redundant, but I'm in love with spring right now. The sun! The birds! The green things!

Except, every time I adopt a green thing, it doesn't take long for it to turn into a brown, crispy, crunchy, dead thing. Wah.

I'm the house plant murderer. The flower killer. Even my cactus - the hardiest plant on the face of the Earth - died.

But I want green things in my life. Solution? I'm attending a Holistic Gardens Spring Plant Fair at Texas A&M this Saturday. They're teaching people all about plants, holistic gardening, selling plants... and basically answering the call of nature for people like me.

If you're local, come join me! From 8-3 at the Horticulture Building on campus. If you're not around here -- I'll get answers to any questions you have.

For more information on the Fair, check out the Horticulture Club's website here.

Get outside and do something!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello, Spring.

Oh my gosh... it's been a really long time since I blogged. Mostly because... well... I have been busy. And finishing up hibernating for the winter. But now it's SPRING!

And I couldn't be happier.

My goals for this Spring:

* Channel my inner cook. There is so much lovely produce right now. And so many delicious things to be whipping up in the kitchen. I've been hesitant to really dive into cooking because I live alone... but I'm so over that excuse. Besides, I love a good leftover lunch :)

* Get new bedding. I love my flannel sheets, but after waking up two night in a row with the blankets on the floor from overheating, it's time to lighten up the linens.

* Make my new gym home. I changed memberships... for a few reasons. One of which is that my new gym is closer to home and open longer hours. And has fewer college students. Which means I'll spend less time waiting on machines and checking my hair in the mirrors and more time getting fit.

* Take more pictures. I got a new camera! I thought my old one was broken, so I bought a new one. Then my old one started working... but I'm keeping the new one anyway. I already fell in love. And I'm a sucker for love at first sight.

* Save money for my vacation. Wherever and whenever it may be. It's happening.

Isn't it wonderful how Spring can make you feel like you can make a fresh start? If I were inventing the calendar, I would make New Years happen in the Spring... it's when I'm finally ready to get out and get moving.

What about you? Spring cleaning plans? New goals for the new season?

Happy Spring lovelies!
