Friday, October 15, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

I'm kind of a blog creeper.

I read tons of blogs and until recently, have never participated. I'm done with the sidelines. I'm getting in the game.

One of the blogs I read is Lauren's spot: The Little Things We Do. She does a weekly series called "Fill in the Blank Friday." Today is my inaugural contribution.


1. Blogging is: a little overwhelming. I've avoided it because I know I can't keep up with it all the time. But I've decided that's ok. I'll do it when I can/need to/want to.

2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is: jeggings. Jeans that tight? Are you serious?! It's not that I'm afraid to wear them in public, I'm afraid of the removal process...

3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is: being the first in my family to get a college degree. The support of my family was tremendous, and now... my parents are going back to school and getting degrees of their own! It's awesome!

4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose: a beach vacation. I went to Denver this summer as my first time to try a mountain vacay, and I LOVED IT. But I'm a beach girl always and forever.

5. A talent I wish I had is: being able to sing. My mom and sister both have beautiful voices, and I love to hear them sing. I sound terrible. I still sing, but I sound terrible. Or play piano. I'd like to do that too.

6. A talent I do have is: figuring out puzzles and mazes and problems. I can fix almost anything.... I just can't TELL you how to fix it. I have to see it, see the tools and components, and I can figure it out. I've taken apart my Mac to replace the keyboard and successfully reassembled it. I felt like a winner that day!

7. This week is: the first week my dog has lived with me in my new place. He's been fantastic. Definitely my home dog :)

Ok. So if you blog and want to play along, link up! If you don't blog... post your responses in the comments. It's fun! Trust me!


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