Last week, I made the BEST quinoa I've ever had. And I've had alot of quinoa... but this was
really good. And I made enough on Sunday night that I had quinoa with my tilapia, with my turkey salad, and my fajitas (from Tiffany) all week!
Here is the recipe:
Mushroom and Walnut Quinoa. And as a side note, I used almonds - because that's what I had. And yes, I tried it with the fried egg and THAT was delicious too. Basically, I think you could eat this mushroom quinoa with anything, every day, always. It's love.
Oh - and if you've never had quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah"), try it for heck's sake! Quinoa is kind of like a grain; technically it's a psuedocereal. My favorite part of quinoa is that when you cook it, the germ separates from the seed and it looks like a little curly-que on the seed! Dorky, I know. You can treat quinoa like rice... it's prepared much the same way, and pairs with lots of things well just like rice is. I've never tried to sweeten quinoa like a cereal, but it might be worth a shot too.
Happy eating, friends.