Friday, September 24, 2010

Moving on Up...

Francis Drive Cottage

I LOVE my little cottage that I've lived in for the past year with my lovely sister. (See sister below)

Tiffany, on the right. Me, on the left.

I love the wood floors, I love the arched entryways, I love the antique glass doorknobs, I love the telephone nook in the hallway. I just love it!

But I'm leaving it. Striking out on my own.

I will miss living with Tiffany. And no we didn't get into a fight or dislike living together... it's just that for a while she thought she was moving out of town and in the meantime I signed a pre-lease... and then she ended up staying. But I'm excited to have a little space to call my very own.

And I do mean little.

But I'm looking forward to making it a home for having friends over for dinners and wines and movies and closet swaps. You know... just living. Pictures of the new casa coming soon.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Music makes me happy

I don't dread Mondays as much as most people... I actually like getting back to work and into my routine. But.. they're not the MOST fun either.

This little video got me through today with a little extra pep:

I hope you had a wonderful Monday and a week. I'm headed to Dallas tomorrow for work, so I'm heading to bed to get some rest. 5 a.m. always comes early.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hello. My Name Is....

I'm starting a blog, but I'm not a blogger. I just want to get that out in the open upfront. I'm just a normal person. Who will try to keep a blog. For no other reason than it sounded like a good idea. So as long as you realize that, we should be great friends!

And I do have a somewhat selfish reason for keeping a blog. Several actually. The first few who come to mind are Chad and Conor... my brothers. I adore them!



I'm blessed to have a large family and cursed to have them scattered all over the place. I'm always interested in finding new ways to keep in touch and connected... so maybe this will be one more avenue we can share our lives. By the way, Conor isn't reading or blogging yet... but soon. He's smart - really smart.

So anyway, I'm starting it. It's done. And I'll be back.
