Francis Drive Cottage
I LOVE my little cottage that I've lived in for the past year with my lovely sister. (See sister below)
Tiffany, on the right. Me, on the left.
I love the wood floors, I love the arched entryways, I love the antique glass doorknobs, I love the telephone nook in the hallway. I just love it!
But I'm leaving it. Striking out on my own.
I will miss living with Tiffany. And no we didn't get into a fight or dislike living together... it's just that for a while she thought she was moving out of town and in the meantime I signed a pre-lease... and then she ended up staying. But I'm excited to have a little space to call my very own.
And I do mean little.
But I'm looking forward to making it a home for having friends over for dinners and wines and movies and closet swaps. You know... just living. Pictures of the new casa coming soon.